Thursday, June 20, 2013

Animal Crossing New Leaf...I am sooo addicted O_O

So I have been waiting for animal crossing new leaf to come out for months. Half because I loved the original GameCube version and half because it came out on my birthday! For both reasons I got it from my wonderful Fiance as a b-day present. But, for the last 11 days that game has become my life. I even got ken addicted to it! we play together LOL 
But its something fun and relaxing we do together every night XD I even made him a camo shirt today :D

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

my little stove top sophers

I found out today that my youngest rescue dog has mild hip dyspepsia. She has been so stiff for the last few months and it has been happening more and more. So today when I took them to their yearly vet visit, I asked the vet about. She did x-rays and what she found I almost cried. it looked like her mom was not eating right when she had her and it caused  sophies hips to deform and splinter. She is almost two years old and its only mild for now. I started her on a joint medication and pain pills. I am trying to find alternatives to the pain pills but mostly I just want her to not be in pain.
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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day One: AC:NL

Today is my BIRTHDAY!!! YAY! 

Second thing I need to post about is animal crossing new leaf!!

Picked out my town, became mayor, learned how to take pics. Fun day!

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Thursday, June 6, 2013


I have officially graduated from college. I am so proud of myself and happy to be done. I was told by the head of the psychology department that I I should switch to another program that was easier. So this is kinda a big F-U to him as well. It is also kind of scary because now I have to start a new phase in my life. Well I guess the next chapter in my life is about to begin. 

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Items of the week





To make sure I see the things I love about ken everytime I look at him
Reduce the amount of pop I drink
Cut way back on smoking

Friday, May 31, 2013

How to make a lanyard for your 3DS XL stylus

Floss (in the color of your choosing or another kind of thread/string, the only thing you have to worry about is getting it through the stylus head)

Step one: 
Thread your Floss through the stylus head 
I used a Swiss army knife to open the space a bit more so i could get 3 strands of the floss through

Step Two:
Thread a needle on the other end and start feeding beads onto it, make it as long as you need to feel comfortable while playing.

Step Three:
Feed the other end through the holder (this takes some patience but it should work)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Big Wedding Reception or Smaller Church Reception

Wedding Descisions
So we are less then a year away from the date that we chose for our wedding. I booked the ceremony site and the reception hall six months ago. But, after talking to my fiance, his parents and my parents, we might go smaller. So now I am stuck with the decision to stick with the big wedding and no one will be able to help us out to buy a house or go with a smaller reception at the church where dancing isn't allowed. I am torn but my main priority in life is to get me and ken a house, I figure if all else fails we can have a bonfire with our friends after the reception and drink and dance our hearts out. I just feel like getting us a house should be our biggest priority in life. We are not a very fancy couple so a big wedding would be sort of out of our league. If anyone has any tips or opinions please comment. I am really torn.

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Animal Crossing New Leaf Comes out June 9th 2013. Which happens to be my birthday (super stoked!) Anyway, I wanted to have all the exclusive content I have so far in one place. 

6/30-7/13 CAT TOWER
7/14-7/27 SUITCASE

* All you do is go to certain Best Buy stores between these dates with a 3DS with Spotpass enabled and a copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf to receive the exclusive items*

The other content is from Animal Crossing: New leaf itself. Its the in game event calendar for the next year. 

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Fat and Attractive All the Way!

To: Mike Jeffries,
    Unfortunately I have had the pleasure to go into your store once. I never went back. Why you'r store is in as many locations as it is I do not know, seeing how 80% of the american population can't fit into you'r size 10 jeans. If you were a real business man you wouldn't be turning 80% of possible sales away...

follow this girl's Blog she is AWESOME!  |

The Militant Baker

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When I was growing up we always had dogs. There has always been dogs around me to protect, love, spoil and cuddle. So when I moved away to college it was natural for me to want my own. So I rescued Roxy and Sophie from the local shelter. I gotta say that I have learned so much about dogs in the last two years. Here is the list I have so far.
1. Enjoy sleeping how ever you want in your own bed before you get a dog because after they come it's not your bed anymore.
2. Just because they give you the extremely sad face doesnt mean you have to give in (in theory)
3. Guard your plate of food with you'r life and NEVER leave it unattended.
4. Buy a car with interior fabric the same color as your dog. If not invest in a good shop vac.
5. If your dog doesnt like loud noises go as far away from fireworks as possible on July fourth.
6. If you come home from a party and leave your pants on the floor don't expect them to be in the same state you left them the night before. 
7. Always have doggy waste bags....ALWAYS.
8. Your breakfast comes second now. 
9. treats are ALWAYS a must.
10. Be prepared to be embarrassed at dog obedience.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Our Trip to Petosky

For Memorial Day weekend we went up north to help my fiance's parents move. We got to see some gorgeous sights. We went to the tunnel of trees on Sunday, which is a twenty mile stretch of historic windy roads. We stopped off at the little general store for a couple things and I saw the cutest postcard so I decided I would start a postcard collection.

Postcard #2
The Tunnel of Tree's
It was so beautiful to see the tree's so green and the sun never once wasn't shining. The road was narrow and winding, so Kenny had to focus on not hitting anyone lol. I was amazing to think that such beauty could be found in a state I have lived in my whole life. If there is that much beauty in my state, I can only imagine what is out there in the rest of the world!
Postcard #1

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Why I Love my 3DS XL for More Then Just Games

I bought my red 3DS XL a few weeks ago and ever since it has never left my side. This is not just for the fact that i love to lay games. There are many reasons to take your 3DS with you everywhere, and I am going to list a few of them.

1. Play Coins
Play coins are currency you receive from walking. The more you walk the more coins you get up to 10 coins a day. Then you can spend those coins on swap note stationary, AR Game items, puzzle pieces or adventures in mii plaza. Its a fun way to make physical activity  fun ( I know I have been walking as much as possible to beat Find Mii.

2. Swap Note
This is probably one of my favorite things about the 3DS. Swap Note is a downloadable application in the Nintendo Eshop. Once downloaded you can send messages to any of your other friends who have it. When new games come out or there's a Nintendo direct they send out stationary. Collecting all of them is a fun game within itself.

3.  StreetPass
This is one of my most hated and loved features of the 3DS. This feature was originally created for the densely populated streets of Tokyo and Japan. Whenever your 3DS comes within 30 feet of another 3DS they exchange Mii's. Once this Mii is obtained you can use it for puzzle pieces or as an adventurer in Find Mii. In less populated areas it becomes a bit more tricky. I have been trying for three weeks and have only gotten one street pass and it was from the game store demo 3DS. The upside to this nightmare of a achievement is that it seems to bring gamer's from all over together. I know I have met several other 3DS owners in my area in forums and Facebook groups. 

4. Mii Plaza
This is where your Mii's are stored. You can use them to beat levels in find Mii, or to fill puzzle pieces on a board. Both of these things can also be done with Play Coins (describe above). So even if you dont get street passes just walk a bit more and you can beat it. 

5. 3D Camera
Now at first I thought the 3D feature of this device would end up making me sick, but it turns out to be quite a unique way of capturing a moment. Since I carry mine with me at all times, I find myself pulling this camera out more so then my phone. Although my phone has a better camera, the 3DS can take some really amazing photos. I find myself looking for opportunities to take a photo and send it off to all my Swapnote friends. 

6. Music Player
Although I wouldn't put my entire music collection on my 3DS the music player isn't something to be ignored. I find listening to my music in karaoke or 8-bit mode gives me quite a chuckle. 
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Mission Statement

Mission statement for this blog:
This blog is personal, it is informational and it is fun! The topics that I write about are ones that I find interesting. This is my life's story written out in words on a computer screen with neat little pictures and elegant fonts. I have blogged since I was 16 years old, but I never stuck with it for more then a few months. This is my goal, to finally stick with something. 

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